#43: Aleyda Solis

In this episode, we chat with Aleyda Solis, International SEO consultant, speaker, author, as well as Founder of Orainti a Remoters.net. We discuss how she studied as a system engineer in Nicaragua and got her Masters in E-Commerce from the University of Salamanca in Spain, how her studies led her to become a web designer which eventually led her to SEO, going from agency to in-house to becoming an independent consultant, founding and managing her businesses, building her personal brand, public speaking, keeping up with her hectic schedule, why she loves travel (and food), and so much more. In the news we talk about getting more and better data exports in Google Search Console, and also a study published on Search Engine Journal entitled Unpacking the causal impact of Google’s double-dipping featured snippet update. Finally, we have a deep dive into the topic of YouTube and Video SEO and Aleyda shares tips that she’s learned from her YouTube series Crawling Mondays.

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