#38: Andrew Cock-Starkey (aka "Optimisey")

In today’s episode, we talk with Andrew Cock-Starkey (better know as “Optimisey”). Andrew runs an SEO consultancy out of Cambridge, England working with clients all over the globe. He also runs one of the most popular SEO meet-ups in the UK. We talk about how Andrew’s career began 20 years ago as a broadcast journalist working at the BBC with a focus on cricket and fut ball and how the emphasis placed on creating fresh and timely content around the sports stories of the day really opened his eyes to the power of building traffic online. Additionally, we talk about his time as Web Editor as Newsworks, his management of the website for the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), how it all led him to found his own SEO consultancy Optimisey, what it’s like running the Optimisey SEO meeting, his Optimisey video series, and more. We also touch on the news that Google has started dropping a site’s normal snippet when a featured snippet is displayed, as well as the sunsetting of support for data-vocabulary.org as a schema language. And last but not least, we dive into a few overlooked SEO fundamentals.

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