Ep. 66: The Future of mRNA Vaccines

In many ways, mRNA vaccines are a gamechanger, but not an unexpected one. For this episode, we talked to one of the scientists who has been pursuing mRNA vaccines for years: Melissa Moore, PhD. We discuss how mRNA vaccines have changed so much for us and what the future might hold. Find Dr. Moore's TED talk here: https://www.ted.com/talks/melissa_j_moore_how_mrna_medicine_will_change_the_world?language=en What vaccines are required for school entry in your state, and how it isn't influenza or probably HPV: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/coverage/schoolvaxview/requirements/index.html Download the Voices for Vaccines app on your phone today! And go get a flu shot. And if she's still around, call your mom.

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