Tanzanian Folktale: The Hare And The Water

Today's story follows the tricky Hare. In this story we see how the lazy Hare tries to trick the other animals in order to benefit from their hardwork.

I hope you enjoy this piece of our history. Sit back and Relax, let me take you back to Africa.

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Black History For Kids: https://tuntimo.com/

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Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

If there are any stories you would like to hear, please send an email to storiesmothertold@gmail.com

African Horror Stories (@africanhorrorpodcast): https://open.spotify.com/episode/2VPWWSATprI9TrSZCAuAW3?si=fSRNyA2DTvif6p7f5mt7hg

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