279: Hormones: The Missing Link in Managing ADHD in Girls & Women with Adele Wimsett

Adele Wimsett is a Women's Health Practitioner & Cyclical Living Expert. Following her ADHD diagnosis at 41, she was keen to explore how her hormones influenced her traits and went on to learn a ton about this condition and how to function better when considering her hormone fluctuations. Adele co-authored the book Essential Feminine Wisdom and she’s passionate about educating women and girls on how to harness the power of their cyclical nature. From menarche to menopause, Adele bridges the woo & the science, supporting women to balance their hormones naturally.   In this episode, we talk about Adele’s ADHD diagnosis at 41, why there are so many undiagnosed women and girls, how ADHD manifests differently in girls vs. boys, common signs of ADHD in girls and women, how ADHD symptoms fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, the impact of hormones on the efficacy of ADHD medications, and so much more! To learn more, visit https://nicolejardim.com/podcasts/hormones-the-missing-link-in-managing-adhd-in-girls-women-adele-wimsett/. This episode is brought to you by Knix. Visit Knix.com and use my code PERIODPARTY for 15% off your first order. Podcast Production Support: Amazing Gains | https://listenerstoclients.com

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