Principles of Strategic HR Management

This is your HR News Flash, your briefing on talent management and the world of work from HRCI.

Workplace evolution impacts every aspect of human resources. Add on a global pandemic and you have HR professionals who have to think and act strategically. Here are five elements of strategic HR management to practice at your organization.

First, create an impact.

Your workforce is your most important investment. Organizations should calculate their Human Capital ROI to determine whether investing in a new training program is actually improving work efficiency.

Second, exert influence.

One way to exert more strategic HR management influence is to consider outsourcing any routine HR tasks.

Third, harness inspiration.

Help managers develop goals that optimize the talent, skills and contributions that each employee brings to the organization.

Fourth, encourage innovation.

Deploy evidence-based HR practices to innovate and grow both the workforce and the organization’s reach.

Finally, foster integration.

Encourage behavior that impacts performance and sustains talent retention. Celebrate cross functional successes that perpetuate continuous improvement and growth. 

This concludes your HR News Flash. HRCI prepares HR leaders for the digital age. Thanks for listening. Check back soon for the workplace news you need. Learn more at

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