Pe289 New Jersey Cannabis Struggles: Inside the Front Lines

As New Jersey forces their rec market forward, they’re making the same mistakes many other States did before them. Will the market be able to thrive, or get swallowed up by big business and consolidate? Alan Ao, PharmD, joins us to discuss his experience inside New Jersey.


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00:00 - Intro

02:40 - Conditional Use License 

09:50 - How Licensing Issues Hurt the Market

18:27 - Is the Cannabis Market Impacting Other Markets?

24:15 - The Future of Small Cannabis Business

29:05 - How the Market Limits Consumers

36:25 - Cannabis Marketing and Branding

41:05 - How Pharmacies & the Cannabis Market Can Pair

45:00 - Empty Federal Legalization Promises

57:45 - Opioids Vs. Cannabis

1:02:10 - Small Business: When Do You Walk Away?

1:08:00 - Outro

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