Everything is Energy | Debora Wayne

Today we are chatting with Debora Wayne on Health Coach Radio.  Debora is the founder and CEO of the International Chronic Pain Institute and a world-renowned energy healer specializing in rapid pain release.  Helping clients manage a life with chronic pain and mystery symptoms is a growing area of interest for a lot of health coaches and we are seeing more and more coaches stepping into the brain re-wiring space.  If that is making your ears perk up then this episode is going to deliver so much value! Debora has been a leader in this space for several decades and has worked alongside some of the most well-known in the field.  In this episode, we discuss some of the hidden root causes of chronic pain, chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety, trauma, weight struggles, binge eating, burn out and many other chronic conditions. We also discussed the toll that chronic pain takes on people, how our energy is linked to emotions and physical symptoms, and how learning to tap into the energy side of things can be a game-changer for coaches.  This was a very fascinating episode with the lovely Deborah Wayne and we know you are going to love it! Enjoy! To learn how to become a health coach or to up-level your skills and credentials as a health coach, visit primalhealthcoach.com.

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