#061 Q&A with Dr. Jed Fahey on Sulforaphane, Moringa and Chemoprotection

Dr. Jed Fahey

In this special two-hour Q&A episode with Dr. Jed Fahey, a world-leading expert on the science of chemoprotection and, in particular, sulforaphane, we discuss many of the listener-submitted questions from the hundreds of live event participants.


In this episode, you'll discover:

  • 00:07:19 - The minimum daily dose of sulforaphane that elicits beneficial health effects
  • 00:12:04 - Why gauging the amount of sulforaphane in foods presents challenges
  • 00:17:37 - Workarounds to enhance the sulforaphane in cooked foods
  • 00:23:38 - How often to consume broccoli sprouts and how long their effects last
  • 00:39:28 - The effects of sulforaphane on glutathione production in the brain
  • 00:43:12 - The effects of sulforaphane on cancer
  • 01:17:26 - Alternatives to sprouts, such as supplements (and which ones Dr. Fahey recommends)
  • 01:33:08 - Safety concerns regarding sulforaphane


If you’re interested in learning more, you can read the full show notes here: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/jed-fahey-q-a

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