Shame 101 for Sex & Porn Addicts: Learn to LOVE Your Shame!!!!

Stay tuned for Shame 101, an intimate and raw podcast, where world-recognized sex & porn addiction expert Craig Perra is going to demystify and legitimize shame, especially when it applies to sex & porn addicts.

Listen as the Founder of The Mindful Habit System explains how shame is actually a good word. And YES, shame can help you if you learn how.

Shame can tell us when we're getting in our own way or doing something hurtful to ourselves and others. People who are addicted to sex or porn (or both) all know about shame—and shame always seems to be urging us away from the things that are good for us: intimacy, honesty, respect for others' boundaries (and for our own).

So what do we do with all this shame? How does it help us? Does it just make things worse?

In this podcast episode, I introduce the idea of loving your shameful part and explain how to listen really well to your shame in order to use it as a compass guiding you toward more healthy and fulfilling choices in life.

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