418 Myths of Social Media by Ian MacRae

Myths of Social Media: Dispel the Misconceptions and Master Social Media (2nd Ed.) by Michelle Carvill and Ian MacRae

About the Book:

Everyone knows that social media is free, millennials are all adept social media experts, and businesses always have to be available 24/7 and ultimately none of it really matters, as the digital space is full of fake news and online messaging is seen as inauthentic.

Don't they?

The use of social media as a business tool is dominated by falsehoods, fiction, and fabrications. 

In Myths of Social Media, digital consultant Michelle Carvill and workplace psychologist Ian MacRae dismiss many of the most keenly-held misconceptions and instead, present the reality of social media best practices. 

Using helpful and instructive, sometimes entertaining, and occasionally eye-watering examples of what you should and should not do, Myths of Social Media bunks the most commonly held myths and shows you how to use social media effectively for work and at work.

About the Author:

Ian MacRae is a work psychologist, consultant, speaker, author, and Managing Director of High Potential Psychology. 

He works with and writes about, a wide range of topics relating to psychology and the workplace. He developed the High Potential Traits Inventory (HPTI), a personality assessment that has been translated into dozens of languages and used by over 50,000 people around the world. 

He has published six books which have been translated into 10 different languages including Myths of Work: Dispel the Misconceptions and Succeed in the World of Work, Dark Social: Understanding the Darker Side of Work, Personality and Social Media, High Potential: How To Spot, Manage And Develop Talented People At Work, and Motivation and Performance: A Guide to Motivating a Diverse Workforce

And, interesting fact - despite living in the UK and having a Scottish name, he doesn’t have a Scottish accent – he is from Canada!

Click here for this episode's website page with the links mentioned during the interview...


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