Aligning Workforce Strategies With Business Objectives in the New Normal

This is your HR News Flash, your briefing on talent management and the world of work from HRCI.

The pandemic has shifted workforce strategy and behavior. Faced with the unknown impact, HR must adapt through careful workforce planning and redesign. Here is how HR can lead the process of aligning workforce strategies with business objectives.

Redesign the work.

Offering flexible remote work options has helped employees become more productive. HR can continue to collaborate with other departments to design technology that helps employees feel empowered. 

Engage the workforce.

The traditional workforce management model involves recruiting, deploying and retaining talent. Today, we must shift our thinking and engage our workforce. Retain employees by offering a more attractive future with opportunities for career mobility and flexibility.

Adapt the workplace.

In this modern workplace, HR must lead in the alignment of functions across the organization. The alignment has to be a blend of physical and digital environments with technology at its core and with the encouragement of a free flow of ideas. 

This concludes your HR News Flash. HRCI prepares HR leaders for the digital age. Thanks for listening. Check back soon for the workplace news you need. Learn more at

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