324: Jerome Harris

When I first heard about Jerome Harris' exhibit "As, Not For: Dethroning Our Absolutes," I knew I had to interview him for the podcast. I was thrilled to hear him speak at this year's Black in Design Conference back in October, and this conversation follows directly after that event. Jerome does it all — he's a graphic designer, an educator, a writer, a curator, a DJ, and even a choreographer! We touched on all those aspects in this interview, starting off with talking about his current work at Housing Works. From there, we discussed the trajectory of Black graphic design, and how that guided him through his studies at Temple and Yale and inspired his exhibit. Jerome also shares some of his current influences, and we step into the future a bit and look at what Jerome would want to work on in 2025. Keep an eye out for Jerome — his perspective and candor are a refreshing antidote to current design discourse, and I think we'll see a lot more from him soon! Jerome Harris' Website Jerome Harris on Instagram "As, Not For: Dethroning Our Absolutes" on Instagram 32counts on Instagram Facebook Design is a proud sponsor of Revision Path. The Facebook Design community is designing for human needs at unprecedented scale. Across Facebook’s family of apps and new product platforms, multi-disciplinary teams come together to create, build and shape communication experiences in service of the essential, universal human need for connection. To learn more, please visit facebook.design. This episode is brought to you by Abstract: design workflow management for modern design teams. Spend less time searching for design files and tracking down feedback, and spend more time focusing on innovation and collaboration. Like Glitch, but for designers, Abstract is your team's version-controlled source of truth for design work. With Abstract, you can version design files, present work, request reviews, collect feedback, and give developers direct access to all specs — all from one place. Sign your team up for a free, 30-day trial today by heading over to www.abstract.com. Like this episode? Then subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts. Subscribe and leave us a 5-star rating and a review! Thanks so much to all of you who have already rated and reviewed us! Revision Path is a Glitch Media Network podcast, and is produced by Maurice Cherry and edited by Brittani Brown. You can also follow Revision Path on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Come chat with us! And thanks for listening! Powered by Simplecast. Sign up today for a 14-day free trial!

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