DR. RICHARD BURT on HSCT for MS & his book EVERYDAY MIRACLES - Part 2 of 2

Welcome to part two of two of our interview with Dr. Richard Burt. I can't tell you how many people have reached out to me after listening to part one and how anxious they are to see what awaits in part two. I even had one listener message me to say the interview with Dr, Burt should be required watching for everyone with MS, and I'm not going to disagree with that deduction.

If you have PPMS, whether you're considering HSCT or not, you should definitely listen to this episode. Dr. Burt completely reframes the type of disease PPMS is or isn't. If you want to hear about the future of organ and tissue repair including but not exclusive to remyelination, you should listen to this episode. Those topics are just scratching the surface of what this medical innovator brings to the table for the future of the treatment of chronic illnesses, debilitating injuries, and to the exciting new world of neuroregeneration. I feel certain that what he's working on today is laying the groundwork for treatments that will be considered commonplace over the next 30 years.

Before we jump into this next episode, I wanted to let you know that this episode will be available to view on the MS Gym’s YouTube page, and there will be links in the episode notes to that YouTube page. There will also be links to part one of this interview as well as links to Dr. Burt’s book, and his website, as well as an email, where you can contact Dr. Burt’s team if you're considering HSCT.


- His thoughts on PPMS and why he doesn't treat it

- How disease labels can evolve over time

- How HSCT drug protocols vary per autoimmune  disease

- What can trigger a relapse post HSCT

- IPS stem cells and neuroregeneration

- Starting a new biotech company

- The future of HSCT in Chicago

- How IPS could help patients with SPMS and PPMS

- Where patients can receive non-myeloablative HSCT in the US now

- Neurodegenerative treatment for non-active SPMS and PPMS

- Pseudo flares post HSCT and what can cause them…don't panic!

- Tweaking the healthcare system to make the patient first

- Medicine is a profession, healthcare is a business


Episode #1 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ezjhqHtYA8Y

This episode, #2 of 2, on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/40dqLdIeZlc

Dr. Burt's book, EVERYDAY MIRACLES: https://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Miracles-Scleroderma-Autoimmune-Hematopoietic/dp/1637631251

Dr. Burt's website:  https://astemcelljourney.com/about/drrichardburt/

Email to apply for HSCT with Dr. Burt: BURTRRMSTrial@scrippshealth.org








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