EP. 125: ADHD and How to Respond to the Non-Believers

Tracy welcomes you to Episode #125 of ADHD for Smart Ass Women where she invites the ADHD non-believers to join her for a little education. She gets requests for this podcast every week so she decided to do something about it.   Tracy shares: Why the authoritarian model of parenting doesn’t work with an ADHD child Nora Volkow’s research about ADHD and interest What the NIH, AMA, U.S. Surgeon’s General, American Association of Psychiatry and the U.S. Department of Education all say about ADHD Whether or not there’s ADHD in France If it’s true that ADHD is strictly an American phenomenon What it means that more kids are getting diagnosed with ADHD What happens when ADHD is not treated If it’s true that everyone has a little ADHD If ADHD is an invention of modern society If video games, social media, smart phones are making people more ADHD Whether or not medicating kids for ADHD turns them into addicts Why willpower, consequences, discipline and punishment is the wrong formula for the ADHD brain What happens to children when they’re told that they’re lazy, unmotivated and need to work harder What works to motivate ADHD children The one question you should ask yourself about your ADHD child   Resources: Dr. Nora Volkow's regarding the Dopamine Reward Pathway in ADHD Dr. Ross Greene: Kids Do Well If They Can ADHD Child vs. Non-ADHD Child Interview Father to Father: Robert Dendy https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/putting-the-efficacy-of-psychiatric-and-general-medicine-medication-into-perspective-review-of-metaanalyses/39C15F3428BDD1F8A4C152B67C06A5A6 https://psychcentral.com/blog/do-french-kids-get-adhd-yes/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5510191/ https://adhdrollercoaster.org/adhd-news-and-research/do-french-kids-have-adhd-surement/ https://www.alcohol.org/guides/global-drinking-demographics/ https://ourworldindata.org/smoking https://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/07/health/07essa.html Sir Ken Robinson’s Ted Talk on Gillian Lynne who had to move to think. Here’s the excerpt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dewkj80G4as Here’s the full TedTalk: https://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity#t-77984 Erin Ez shared this link that gives you a real world snapshot of how your child feels struggling with attention and learning challenges: https://www.understood.org/en/tools/through-your-childs-eyes/player?simq=66dc223a-29e3-4956-ae1e-e7b1beff3584agradeId=f774ec64-d556-4a06-abae-035bc8683bb6apersonalized=true

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