Work-Life (Hour-by-Hour), Explained

What are the rocks in your life right now? How do you balance work and life? What are some good compartmentalizing tactics, so you can leave work at work? What are routines and habits that work for your schedule and team?

Today, Brian and Jordan are talking about their daily routines and how they plan their days around work, their personal life, exercise, and with team members that are scattered all around the globe. They share different time-saving tricks, apps that help hold them accountable to staying healthy, and their opinions on morning productivity and pulling all-nighters.

If you have any questions, comments, or topic ideas for Bootstrapped Web, leave us a message here

Here are today’s conversation Points: 

  • Rocks, pebbles, and boulders (and hair and sand)
  • Daily routines and how to optimize your day
    • Personal life
    • Professional life
  • Morning productivity versus night owl hours
  • The ultimate productivity app: a notepad and a pen
  • Productivity hours when your team members live in different time zones
  • Separating professional and personal life


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