213 // The Blomkamp Saga: Part Three

As we bring this Blomkamp miniseries to a close, we end in a place we never expected: one of empathy, appreciation, and understanding. It's easy to lose sight of the human behind the headline. Neill Blomkamp underwent some very public suffering during the events surrounding his unmade Alien film. And Ridley Scott, despite his prickly exterior, is a person with feelings and frustrations as well—and Alien: Covenant is a window into those frustrations. 

This final installment is dedicated to listener feedback, and it's your listener feedback that brings us to that place of empathy. This episode is a wild ride, and it's one we'll always remember. Thank you for writing in, thank you for giving us new perspectives and insights, and thank you for being part of the Alien family. We're lucky to share this space with all of you.

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