49: Carmel Fireworks Explosion

A fireworks company in Western Australia that had been in business for nearly a century, were preparing for a fireworks display in their packing shed when one ignited and set off a fire and an explosion. Onlookers were shocked when there was a subsequent explosion that was so big it was heard 30 kilometers away leaving the facility in ruins.
With John Chidgey.

This show is Podcasting 2.0 Enhanced

Celebrating Causality’s 50th Episode!!


Links of Interest:

News Articles:

About Pyrotechnics:

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Episode Gold Producers: 'r' and Steven Bridle.
Episode Silver Producers: Mitch Biegler, Kevin Koch, Shane O'Neill, Lesley, Jared, Joel Maher, Katharina Will, Dave Jones and Kellen Frodelius-Fujimoto.

With thanks to Heather Shaw for the topic suggestion.

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