Grow This... Not That! BEST and WORST food to Grow for SELF SUFFICIENCY

There are 3 Things you need to grow on your homestead if you want to be more Self Sufficient, and a few other things you should NOT Grow.. why? I'm guessing you are not a full time farmer. Your growing time is limited. SO instead of trying to grow everything, focus on growing the most productive things… How do we know what the most productive things to grow are? We found over 100 homesteaders who were growing around 75% of their food. What are they growing? More importantly, what are they NOT wasting their time on? We will share that in this video! This episode brought to you by - LAUREL MOUNTAIN SOAPS - All Natural Homemade Soaps and Skin Products made from Goat Milk! Tim and Jocelyn started making soap for their baby, and grew that hobby into a business! Parents... Try their new Diaper Balm! CLICK HERE TO BUY and Use coupon code "homesteady" for 10% off! PIONEER EPISODE - BEEF WITH A FULL TIME JOB CLICK HERE TO BECOME A PIONEER CLICK HERE TO GET ON THE EMAIL LIST HOMESTEADS THAT HELPED WITH THIS VIDEO Steph from Red Pine Pastures RAISES MEAT! Matt and Sara GROW VEGGIES - @mattsara2802  Dana Raises CHICKENS in NEW ZEALAND  @FantailValleyHomestead  Liv LOVES MILK COWS - Codi's GROWING TONS OF FOOD...  @morethanfarmers  Steph and Chris are SQUASH'in the competition -  @HickorycroftFarm ​ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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