171. Avoiding the Research Rabbit Hole When Implementing Tech Solutions

New technology possesses an undeniable allure, especially for those of us with ADHD. When we find something intriguing, we tend to dive headfirst into it, immersing ourselves and becoming experts in the subject. That is in our nature but it doesn’t always serve us. When you are looking to add new technology or software solutions to your business do you spend hours (that you didn’t intend to) researching and likely not getting done you were supposed to be doing only to:

  • Not end up changing your software because you just didn't finish your research

  • Pay for something and then not ever implementing it 

  • Change your tech but not utilizing it fully

Say goodbye to wasted time and resources, and say hello to unparalleled productivity and effectiveness. In this episode, I will provide you with actionable tips for adopting an intentional approach, transforming your journey from a never-ending rabbit hole to a truly rewarding experience.

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