Phil Maddalena, Esq - Criminal Defense Attorney

Phil Maddalena grew up thinking about being a singer or a rapper, but quickly realized that he probably wasn't going to be able to make a living off of that. Then, he thought teaching would be a good career path to take. That didn't get very far. Inevitably, Phil saw that Law was his calling and he became a criminal defense attorney.

He graduated from Quinnipiac University with his BS in psychology and then went back to Quinnipiac University for his J.D. 

Currently, Phil works for a private firm in Connecticut as an associate criminal defense attorney and also has his own private practice doing criminal defense work. 

Listen to Phil talk about his journey and how his illusions of grandeur were rudely busted up by mountains of student debt and a tough job market even for someone who passed the BAR exam on their first attempt. 

His story shows how difficult life can be even for people with specialized degrees. There are no easy roads and Phil's story proves that. 

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