#84 David Lee Broth

Support the podkitchen on patreon! www.patreon.com/braisedbits 00:00-:50- Lance reads an ad for new show sponsor, Guy Fieri's Tooth Fairys. 0:50-3:00: Jesse welcomes everyone to the pod and Lance ann slanders the sponsors as they get dipped in like a pretzel rod stewart. They also talk Space Jam and LeBron's hair plugs in this club. 3:00-6:50: Jesse tries to evict the podnemesis Eric Seidell, but he can't because of the moratorium on eviction. 6:50-10:55: Jesse gets rattled by a motorcycle and then dives deep into the Astoria Reddit underground. 10:55-20:44 Jesse has a lasagna of highlights that includes standup, Quality but not Quantity Meats, and an encounter with semi-nemesis whack goldberg. Lance and Kate went to an outstanding diner, and Jesse can't Hyde Park his emotions upon hearing Kate's order. 20:44-1:00:29: Jesse and Lance reveal parmagiana with a side of chickie fingers their top 9 kids foods. 1:00:29-1:05:29 Phil Jackson eggs on Jesse with his predictions, and Kate nails her LPPs. 1:05:29-1:15:50 Lance doesn't understand crypto, and Jesse wipes the slate clean with baby wipes. 1:15:50-Close: The chefs greek chicken wrap up another great episode.

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