RH: A Batwoman Podcast - Harley Quinn - "A High Bar"

In this episode, Shelley and Erin attempt to discuss Harley Quinn season 1, episode 2 “A High Bar,” but they mostly get sidetracked by discussions about Lovecraft Country, Tinder, Howie Mandel, people practicing wand maneuvers, and so many other things that have no place on this podcast. There’s also a quick guest appearance from Erin’s partner.  When they manage to stay on track, they discuss their continued love for Poison Ivy, whether animated Scarecrow is still scary, and a little bit of Batwoman news for good measure. Stick around at the end for a lengthy discussion about alcoholic beverages that threatened to throw the podcast wildly off course (pun intended) before it even started.  You can find us on Twitter! Shelley is @schop23 and Erin is @erniegreenbean. The show’s Twitter pages are @RedHairingPod and @PodOffCourse, and you can also contact us at redhairingpod@gmail.com and podoffcourse@gmail.com.   Endorsements:  Shelley -  Detective Comics #1027 - https://www.dccomics.com/comics/detective-comics-2016/detective-comics-1027 and Batman Day - https://www.dccomics.com/BatmanDay  Erin – Punkie Johnson joins the cast of SNL - https://www.advocate.com/television/2020/9/16/snl-adds-black-lesbian-cast-member-punkie-johnson

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