Episode 143: What’s Good for the EDC Community

I sincerely hope that this episode doesn’t come off as too negative. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to talk about this. At the end of the day, I think we should be spending time lifting one another up - not criticizing content creators that you don’t agree with. 

I had another episode scheduled, but I decided to push it back to make room for this last-minute recording. I saw a video posted on Taylor’s (Best Damn EDC) Instagram that was about a creator calling him out for being bad for EDC. 

Obvious problems with the clip/video aside, I watched the video that it came from and it left me with some thoughts. After sleeping on it, I couldn’t get it off my mind. 

Instead of calling someone bad for the community - open a dialogue. Send them a message. Let’s all work together to keep the community positive and growing.

And if you have any thoughts on my thoughts ——- shoot me a message! Let’s chat.

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