An Architectural Optimist Wrote a Book

There are few roles in society with the broad and lasting power of Architecture. Architecture both reflects and directs the story of a civilization and its cultural milieu by signaling what’s important, who has value, and how society functions. Recognition of the power of architecture in society sets the stage for today’s discussion with Corey Squire, a skilled sustainability consultant, a member of the AIA’s COTE Advisory Group, and an architectural optimist if there ever was one. Join us in this episode as Corey and Kristof start to digest the feast of ideas in Corey’s new book that will be coming out in the Fall of 2023.

Corey’s book People, Planet, Design is somewhat of a “How To” response to Carl Elephante’s declaration that “Architects don’t need to seek relevance, only seize it” (1). As you'll hear in this episode, in Corey’s view, seizing relevance happens by bringing about a new vision of design excellence. A vision that heals the schism between architecture and the goals and concerns of society. This happens first by shifting the mindset about the purpose of architecture, and then practically recognizing architecture at a crossroads and moving in a direction. One that unlocks the power of architecture, the promise it holds, and needs to hold, in the future that’s arriving now.

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