DC Cosmic Card Finale!

It's Coy's Birthday week! And he is as insufferable as he is every year. But the boys still find a way to give dating advice, visit a Pittsburgh comic shop, talk funny book social media and the masses Coy has inspired to read comics despite being a click-hungry thirsty b*tch, and much more. Plus it's the THRILLING grand finale of our DC Cosmic Card box opening! Is the collection complete?! Are we 4 cards short?! You'll have to listen to find out.

Join the conversation on the Coycast discord https://discord.gg/5QZW8uuFAe 

Coycast is a part of the Dragon Wagon Radio independent podcast network. Visit http://www.DragonWagonRadio.com for more great podcasts!

This episode was made Possible by the following Patrons!

Abigail Proper, April Surrell, Ash Singh, Ben Detrixhe, Cole Gaither, Craig Arrogant Desperado B., Craig Davey, Curtis Mason, Darth Vadad, David Taylor, Doug Chiarello, Echo in the Mirror, Edward Collins, Gilbert Short, Harold Stokes, James Martinez, Kaylyn Kimpel, Kelsey Kirkland, Ken Lutz, Mark Cole, Michael McCarstle, Patchen Uchiyama, Poppy the Masked Keaton, Robin Wes Parker, Ron Jones, Spencer Walker, The Kollin Hemenway Show, Troy, Weirwood, Zachary Patsy

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