Matters Of Policy & Politics: California Update: “Lee Was Wrong”, Jerry Is Right? | Bill Whalen, Lee Ohanian, and Jonathan Movroydis | Hoover Institution

As Sacramento’s bill-signing season commences, Republican infighting is coming to Southern California, and does “Cincinnatus” need to return to office? Hoover senior fellow Lee Ohanian and distinguished policy fellow Bill Whalen, both contributors to Hoover’s “California on Your Mind” web channel, join Hoover senior product manager Jonathan Movroydis to discuss the latest in the Golden State, including pending “first-in-the-nation” laws, a fast-food backroom deal, Ronald Reagan’s lessons in governing California, what Lee Ohanian’s discovered in five years of analyzing California policy, plus former governor Jerry Brown – aka, Cincinnatus – awaiting “sensible people to rise to the occasion.”

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