Season 2 | Ep 45 | Quarrel of the Quails | A Jataka Tale

Quarrel of the Quails is the origin story behind the phrase "United we Stand, Divided we Fall", that simple phrase that we have all heard since we were young.

Unity, a virtue as old as the ages, this adage has been illustrated in teaching tales and fables. They have also been retold in history, art and popular culture.

Growing up as a child in India of the 1980's, this was one of my most favourite films.

As a means to reinforce the need for national integration, this simple children's film is still a big part of India's psyche. And yet, just like the story, the film and the shared message in both, I wonder, why do we choose to divide over being united.

I want you to listen to this story and retell it in the classroom, living room and boardroom...identify what keeps you together and what divides you!


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Story Source | Jataka Folktales

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Jataka Tales

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Until the next story...

Happy Storytelling!

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