Season 7 Ep 18 -- David Cover discusses M&H Distillery

Firstly, to hell with Hamas and terrorism. We stand with Israel as well as innocent Palestinians caught in the middle. May the fighting end soon and peace prevail. On to happier news: Our good friend David Cover has left Penderyn and has joined M&H. Listen in as he shares his thoughts on world whiskies and details a number of amazing things going on at the M&H distillery since it was announced their Elements Sherry release made Whisky of the Year by World Whisky Awards. usual, have a seat, have a pour, and listen in. Unless you're driving. If you're driving, be smart and stay sober but be sure to listen into the conversation!

Special thanks to:

Weigh Down for allowing us to use their song "Wooden Monsters" as our theme song - Moana McAuliffe for designing our Podcast Logo - RØDE for making *really* great microphones - Focusrite for making awesome USB receivers - Olympus and Tascam for making fine mobile recording devices - Joshua Hatton for producing and editing

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