E297 | Public Speaking Tips Part 2 : The Ultimate Keynote Preparation Checklist

“Only the unprepared are overcome by pressure.” - Lou Holtz

When it comes to public speaking, not only can solid preparation help to calm your nerves and give you confidence, but if done well, it will be the one thing that sets you apart as a professional. 

Why?  Because a thorough preparation process shows the host how much you care, and is the only thing that will allow you to speak clearly and directly to the audience, help you get your message across, and impact the lives of each individual in the crowd.

In today’s episode - Part 2 our series on Public Speaking - we reveal a number of often overlooked, yet pivotal components to add to your preparation checklist, allowing you to create an unmatched experience for your audience.  We dive into: 

  • The questions you need to ask about your audience to guide your content development
  • Technological considerations to account for before you create your presentation
  • How to make sure you’re delivering the specific message your audience needs to hear
  • The little things that make a big difference - going above and beyond for your host and audience

Referenced Resources:

Event Schedule

Speaker School Live Event

Speaker School Waitlist

Our Pre-Speaking Questionnaire

Art of Coaching - Main website with all of our resources, products and services

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