Film 101: Appreciating the Cinema Arts

Discriminating audiences know a great work of cinema when they see it. And festivalgoers have high expectations for the quality of film we present annually at AJFF and year-round programs. But what are the ingredients and traits that make for exceptional filmmaking? For audiences seeking to fine-tune and expand their palate, a deeper awareness and understanding of the creative building blocks of cinematic stories can greatly enhance their viewing experience. An expert in hard-to-find cult germs from her perch with TCM Underground, Turner Classic Movies programmer Millie De Chirico joins our latest podcast for a larger industry perspective on some intriguing big picture questions and hot topics. Who are arbiters of taste, and who decides a movie’s status in the canon of film history? What’s the definition of a classic vs. a cult hit? Where are lines blurred between objective and subjective quality? Plus, what are some specific examples of Jewish film works you may have missed? Join hosts Sara and Brad as we find out!

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