How to Use Human Design as an Entrepreneur with Jasmine from Moondust

Have you ever come across somebody whose work just speaks to you on a soul level, and you feel like everything they say and teach resonates with you? That’s what happened for me when I found the work of today’s guest. Jasmine from Moondust Our Mother is an energy healer and Human Design expert and she fuses spirituality with Human Design, with talking about money (which happen to be some of my favorite things to talk about). Human Design is something that you’ll learn all about today, and I’ve used it to help me understand myself and my team, as it’s a great tool for entrepreneurs. If you haven’t gotten your Human Design chart I recommend that you start there (the link to one is in the show notes!) and I’m going to be going more in-depth on this topic next week in my solo episode. But today, you’ll get to learn the foundations from Jasmine, as well as her thoughts on abundance, money, “hustle” and a whole lot more!

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