Episode 194: Gravy Everlasting (feat. Miles Luna)

It's time for our annual Thanksgiving tradition: dragging our lovely friend Miles Luna (@TheMilesLuna) back on the pod for a third time! We spend the bulk of the episode fixing Thanksgiving. You're welcome. Also discussed: air fryers, Alamo Drafthouse, smiling, Scavenger's Reign, the joys of saying "my wife", and more! AND there's a brand new segment totally unlike our other segments. Don't miss it!

Speaking of missing things, DO NOT MISS our LIVE 200th EPISODE FEAT. ALPHARAD on December 14 at the Dynasty Typewriter in LA!!! Get tix here, baby: bit.ly/LN200. Follow us on Twitter & now TIKTOK at @leightonnight and on Instagram at @leighton_night. You can find Brian on Twitter/Instagram at @bwecht, and Leighton at @graylish (Twitter)/@buttchamps (Instagram).

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