Karli - Fitness Professional & Speaker Owning her Recovery

“I think my recovery now is talking about it. That’s how I deal with it. That’s how I keep it real. I put it out there. I own it. This is part of me. I don’t have any regrets.” – Karli

Karli is a fitness professional who puts her experiences with anorexia out in the open in order to help others heal. While Karli did see some outpatient treatment professionals, none of them seemed to work for her, because as she says, “nothing works if you’re still lying to yourself.” In her story she tells about her struggle with anorexia and how learning about the physical body and nutrition helped her in her recovery. In our conversation, Karli and I talk about why she believes someone is always in recovery, the mental and physical effects of an eating disorder, relationships in recovery, and how her ED made her a stronger person.

Full List of Conversation Topics:

- Why she believes we are always “recovering” from an eating disorder

- Mental and Physical effects of an eating disorder

- How her eating disorder made her manipulative

- When people you love “call you out”

- Relationships in recovery

- How her eating disorder made her a stronger person

- Definitions of health


- Accept Recovery: https://alwaysabeing.com/ecourse/

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