Fusing Visual Effects with Augmented Reality: Romil Ramgarhia's Approach to Crafting Immersive Experiences

In India, Visual Effects (VFX) and Augmented Reality (AR) have evolved from being specialized niches to becoming integral components of the storytelling process. In the domain of filmmaking, VFX has become an essential tool for crafting compelling narratives. VFX artists, underlines Romil Ramgarhia, have pushed the boundaries of storytelling by enabling the creation of fantastical realms and the seamless integration of larger-than-life characters. For further insights, please refer to our comprehensive blog post.Read more: https://www.oneindia.com/partner-content/romil-ramgarhia-combining-visual-effects-with-augmented-reality-can-create-captivating-immersive-en-3632135.html

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