The Lean Startup by Eric Ries Audiobook | Summary in Hindi

स्टार्टअप शुरू करना सीखो | The Lean Startup | The Lean Startup Audiobook | Eric Ries  Buy this Book now About Book  - This book written by Eric Ries.  Do you also want to start a startup, do you want to make a big business brand from a small idea. Or if you are in a profession then you want to understand a business that why a business turns into a brand from a small idea, while on the other hand a business fails even after having a well-qualified team. . 90% of startups start with a good planning but still only 10% are successful. What mistake does he make? If you want to understand all this and learn from mistakes and want to start your own business then this video is for you. today we are going to talk about The lean startup Book.

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