Ep1.9 Cue, Craving, ACTION!

In today’s episode we will make our habits EASY. Learn how long it takes to create a habit and all about “commitment device”, “a clean crime scene”, how to get things done by actually being lazy, “addition by subtraction” , “decisive moments” of your day & many more techniques mentioned in this episode based on the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. Find this book at: https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits Follow us across all our social media for episode updates & behind the scenes.Master Link: https://linktr.ee/ChapterChatUpInstagram: https://instagram.com/chapter.chatup?utm_medium=copy_linkFacebook : https://www.facebook.com/chapter.chatup/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/chapter-chatup-podcast-27080b217 I look forward to seeing you soon. But until then, Stay safe, keep learning & keep growing.

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