Froglogic Podcast EP #40 Nick Koumalatsos - MARSOC And Business Owner Being Shutdown By NC Governor

In this week's Memorial Day special, I welcome my brother Nick Koumalatsos to the show. Nick is a MARSOC, combat Marine entrepreneur who lives his life trying to inspire and serve others in their pursuit of happiness. However, he has gotten caught up in the craziness NC Governor's bizarre lock down order fiasco. Nick's gym has been shut down by the authoritarian police chief and city planner of Holy Ridge, NC. Join us as Nick tells his insane story, how he plan's to fight against the attack on his Constitutional rights, and how he plans to spend this Memorial Day remembering his brothers who've paid the ultimate sacrifice. God bless America. God bless Nick in his fight. And God bless all those who've died for our country. Award-winning Podcast Host, David Rutherford reignites his Froglogic Podcast by answering life's greatest questions. Listen to this former Navy SEAL Medic, CIA Contractor, best-selling author, and World Series Champion motivational performance coach, give his unique and profound insight about the human condition. --- Support this podcast:

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