Real Talk on Struggling with Macro Counting and Weight Loss

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of macro counting? 
Welcome to Embrace Your Real podcast. In this episode, I’m addressing common hurdles encountered in macro counting and provide practical strategies to overcome them. Inspired by a comment in the Movement with Julie Community, I dive into the complexities of balancing nutrition goals with family meals, time constraints, and misconceptions about age-related metabolism changes.
What I discuss:
  1. Don’t count your macros at dinner.
  2. Pre-track your food every night for the next day.
  3. Meal prep! Take the load of yourself to get the scale out daily. 
  4. Remember the scale doesn’t tell you much about what’s going on with you body.
  5. Muscle weighs more than fat.
  6. You can see results at any age.
  7. Most often a slow metabolism is due to yo-yo dieting and not aging. 
  8. You can’t live in fat loss mode
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