736 | The Sacredness of Secular Work: Why Your Job Matters for Eternity with Jordan Raynor

Hey Friend!

"If the only way that your work matters for eternity is because you can use your job to 'share the gospel,' then frankly, you're wasting the vast majority of your time."

You may need to read that again! In fact, you may want to listen to this episode twice because my good friend Jordan Raynor is back with some explosive truths that will leave you feeling liberated to do your work, all of your work, in a way that brings meaning and value in a whole new way.

In this special guest episode, we are talking about the sacredness of secular work and how every moment of your life matters for eternity. We are diving deep into what Jesus and the Bible actually say about The Great Commission as well as the truth around some deep-rooted beliefs that may not be founded in the Word of God.

I am such a fan of Jordan's and own almost every one of his books. I believe he stands at this crossroads of theology and relatability and am so excited for you to be encouraged to see how God cares about a hundred percent of your time at work and how you can reframe some of these faulty belief systems to be truly aligned with God's will.

I pray this blesses you!




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