All Screens Aren't Created Equal

You've seen the posts right? The ones that talk about the dangers of screen time and children's brains. How caregivers are more interested in texting than connecting with their children. And how secondhand screen time is the new smoking epidemic. But what can you believe when it comes to children and screens? What about district policies that promote the use of screens with young children? In this episode, which was so good (and so long) I had to divide it into two parts, my guests and I raise the fact that there is not a common definition of "screen time". This has huge implications for all of those posts and policies devoted to this very hot topic. We also kicked the episode into high gear by sharing advantages. as well as the downsides, when it comes to our 24-7 access to screens. Spoiler alert, there are more and more downsides as we see it. NOTE: This is part 1 of a 2 part series on screen time and young children.

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