NMP 019 : Starting Your Journey to Joyful Movement with Gillian Byers

Gillian Byers is an American Counsel on Exercise (ACE) certified personal trainer that has never fit in the fit box and won't ask you to either! She discovered the joy of at-home body and free weight strength training, in her late 20's, using small steps. She now thrives on personalizing exercises and programs to fit each of her amazing clients, helping them build strength in ways that feel good, safe, fun and supportive! As a highly sensitive extrovert she loves meeting people and being in tune with the whole person and how that can affect movement and vice versa. After experiencing, and learning from others, the damage that a weight loss focus can cause she is committed to helping people build strength, ease of movement, function and health without using the scale or measurements. Helping people move towards neutrality and even love for their body brings her joy. She's also taken courses in Fibromyalgia and Arthritis and enjoys helping people ease into movement as gently as needed. She offers classes and one on one training both online and in person in beautiful Newberg, Oregon. Find her at:www.MindfullyActive.com www.facebook.com/mindfullyactivehttps://www.instagram.com/mindfully.active/ Want to continue the conversation? Join us over at the Nurtured Mama Community on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/groups/nurturedmamacommunity/ Get your FREE Post-Baby Body Image Booster eBook today! 7 action steps - 1 breathing exercise - 5 body and #momlife affirmations to save in your phone Learn more about The Nurtured Mama at www.thenurturedmama.club

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