VF 12: 8 Real-Life Ways to Save Money on Your Self-Built Van Conversion

Welcome to Episode 12 of the Vansformation podcast!   In this solo episode I discuss 8 practical ways to save your hard-earned cash on building the van conversion of your dreams.  These apply to your van conversion project no matter the type: motorhome, food truck, mobile studio, live-in campervan or any other.   I know these because have experienced the benefits of following this advice myself, and the consequences of not always applying it.  Consistently following all 8 of these would have saved me at least £2000 on my current van.   It actually would have saved more, but I stopped keeping close records of expenses at a certain point because it was a little too painful to watch.    They are definitely lessons which will be with me on all upcoming projects.  Listen in for all the details.Where to find the van building tips in the podcast:  8. Buy secondhand 4:10 7. Spread the build  5:19 6. A critical eye for forum advice 8:42 5. Borrow, responsibly 11:36 4. Resist buying too much, too soon 13:14 3. Use domestic 15:36 2. Minimise exterior paintwork 17:54 1. Practise (and yes, that's spelled correctly.) 19:09 Relevant Links Vansformation blog on top tools to invest in VF Podcast Episode 10, featuring Simon and his van, Finn Gone with the Wynns video on adapting dishes for 'RV' use

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