Getting to the Root of Your Triggers

It feels so good to be back with you after spending the past several months recalibrating and processing the last couple of years. 

And last week in a coaching session, my client had a major breakthrough around identifying the root of her trigger and I knew it was the topic to kick off Season 4. See we all get emotionally triggered from time to time, and it can set off a big unexpected and “irrational” reaction inside ourselves. So what do we do?

In this short episode, I explore what is really at play when we get triggered. Hint: it’s not about what we think it’s about. So what is the real root? And how can we come back to a sense of what’s true? I believe triggers are our teachers. They help us discover what fear or wound might need some attention, loving and healing.



- Defining what a trigger is

- The 24 roots to your triggers

- How triggers highlight your core wound 

- Recognizing the theme of our triggers

- Using the body as a tool to identify your triggers

- The role shame plays in our triggers

- How to get back to neutrality

- The safest place to go when you’re triggered

- And more! 



“Make Peace With Your Body” Embodiment Workshop:


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