5 Years later and he finally said YES!

5 Years later and my husband is on the show for good with me. 

This space has been my own Podcast (Callie), but we've rebranded this space as a joint Podcast with my husband, Kramer.

For years I've wanted a space where we can share the conversations we have on a daily basis and that's what we're doing every week! This first episode is all about our life, what we are doing, learning, and where we are at.

We'll be sharing content that has to do with what we're learning and how we're growing as CEO's, parents, and as a husband and wife.

We are so grateful to have you here and hope that our episodes can inspire you to live with deeper intention and purpose!


Callie's Resources:


Callie's Real Estate IG Page: https://www.instagram.com/callieammons.realtor/

Kramer & Callie's IG: https://www.instagram.com/kramerandcallie/

Email: contact@callieammons.com

Kramer's Resources:

Kramer's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kramerammonsarchery


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