Nobody Would Listen To Me w/ Annie

TW: Sexual violence and rape. In this episode, Jessy and Rebekah speak with Annie who was raped when she was in college and who, despite doing all the “right” things after her attack was still unable to achieve justice through our system. Just a note, if you feel you might get triggered by this content, please skip over. It is important to us that you take care of yourself. And if you have been raped or assaulted and need help, please call the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at (800)-656-HOPE (4673). By calling this number you will be routed to a local RAINN-affiliated organization based off the first six digits of your phone number. Cell phone users have the option to enter their ZIP code so they can be connected with a local sexual assault service provider. 08:45: According to RAINN, 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. Among graduate and undergraduate students, 11.2% of all students experience rape or sexual assault through violence, physical force or incapacitation. 09:30: Here is a document created by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault in April 2014. It explains what a victim advocate is as well as what other services should be offered to students who are victims of sexual violence on campus. 10:00: Here is an article from The Atlantic that talks about how to rape kit backlog has meant that thousands of rapists have gone unfound – some of them serial predators. Women were put through the terror and discomfort of doing a rape kit and oftentimes they are never tested. They just sit in warehouses and rot. 13:00: Here is “an updated definition of rape” from the archives of the Department of Justice, published January 6, 2012. In it, the DOJ makes considerations for incapacitation due to alcohol ingestion when it says, “because many rapes are facilitated by drugs or alcohol, the new definition recognizes that a victim can be incapacitated and thus unable to consent because of ingestion of drugs or alcohol.” 18:10: Here is a one-stop shop for the information about Title IX. There have been a lot of changes since Tr*mp took office and put Betsy DeVos in charge of the education department. Unsurprisingly none of those changes have been good. Contact us! Watch us! Love us! Support us at glow! Check out our new Medium page! Email: Instagram: @welcometomyvagina Twitter: @welcometomyvag Jessy’s awesome YouTube videos! She’s crushing it Welcome to My Vagina HQ Rebekah’s blog! Get your own amazing theme song made by @woollywillie

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