356 - Embracing Failure, Using Feedback Effectively, and Being Entrepreneurial in Filmmaking Feat. Writer & Director Todd Bogin | Indie Talk

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In this edition of Indie Talk we have a conversation with Writer & Director Todd Bogin.  Todd generously shared his experience writing, producing, and distributing his debut feature Hidden Exposure. He discussed his unconventional path into the industry and lessons learned around writing screenplays, attaching talent, and distribution strategies. Throughout, Todd emphasized the importance of thorough pre-production, embracing failures and feedback, and maintaining a creative entrepreneurial spirit to achieve success in the indie film world.


Topics Include:


- Todd discusses his background starting as a PA and making shorts, including Modulation Nowhere which led to funding Hidden Exposure

- Todd talks about writing 72 drafts of Hidden Exposure and getting feedback/notes from others to improve the script

- How he landed Rumer Willis and other well-known actors for the film after pitching the script to their agents

- Todd discusses the challenges of writing features after making shorts and learning on the job

- Nicholas and Chris provide advice about world-building and including more context/details in screenplays

- They discuss using pseudonyms and alter egos to help find your creative voice and take risks

- Todd explains his process of heavily pre-visualizing scenes for Modulation Nowhere with storyboards, music, and footage on his phone

- He talks about distributing Hidden Exposure on Tubi and challenges with actor promotion of indie films

- Nicholas and Chris suggest capturing extra behind-the-scenes/interview content with actors for future marketing purposes




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More About Todd


Todd Bogin is a film director, screenwriter, producer, and editor. His debut feature, Hidden Exposure, was released on Tubi in May 2023 in the USA and Canada, with an international release set for Fall 2023. It stars Liana Liberato, Rumer Willis, Richard Kind, and Jordan Rodriges. The film is represented by the sales agency The Coven.


He's been writing, creating films, and playing music since childhood. He has produced, directed, and edited content for major brands like Nike, Budweiser, and McDonald's. Bogin has directed, written, edited, and produced multiple short films. His short film Modulation Nowhere (2019) won numerous awards and was distributed by ShortsTV.


Currently prepping his second feature, Heavy Ashes, and other features to be shot in the next few years.


Before movies, he toured Europe and the USA as a musician (2010-13). The New Yorker declared his former band Whale Belly, "songwriters Woody Guthrie would be proud of." He lives in New York City, where he works under the Water Voices Productions label.


Hidden Exposure Tubi link

Hidden Exposure embedded trailer 

Modulation Nowhere (Short Film) Trailer

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