Episode 2 - The different shades of Snakes in our lives

We all have that friend or someone in our life who’s considered as ‘आस्तीन का सांप’ & falls in any of the category mentioned in the podcast above. Heya! it's now time to share the podcast with such friends/people around in your life! Oh by the way नाग पंचमी is around the corner 25th July! you can also watch the same video on my youtube channel : https://youtu.be/U0SiXb_lCpo Plus catch me up on my social media handles : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/837567736295988/posts/3469917799727622/ Insta : https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRF76zJdxy/?igshid=cf995faaj9yc Twitter : https://twitter.com/rjabhinandan/status/1278673054483308544?s=21

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